Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Magazine Cover

This is a magazine cover about aliens. i put the earth on top of the aliens head because it makes it look like the alien wants to take over the earth. The other side articles are just about aliens and how they are and how they live.


 My animal is made up of a giraffe with hawk wings a narwhal horn with walrus tusk on its back. I chose these animals because a giraffe is a weird animal because it has such a long neck with wings and a horn on it i think it makes it look cool.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Obama hope poster

 The word saxicolous means living under a rock or among rocks, i chose this word because i didnt know what word to pick so i chose this word.

Cubee Craft: Amumu

This is my cubee craft art. It is based off of a game called League of Legends. The champions name is amumu, I did this by drawing it editing it in photoshop. I changed into a vector image in illustrator.